martes, 17 de noviembre de 2009

Cremas de Menta

El post de hoy nos lo patrocina Chantelle Abarca con una receta riquisisisisma  y super facil! Excelente para utilizar en estas fechas! De nuevo la receta esta lista para imprimir...

7 comentarios:

  1. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  2. Super yummy and it will be a favorite among all.

  3. yeah, i'll bring it to the ward's thxgiving party on saturday, so do i just dip it in chocolate? can i make it the same morning?

  4. i think you can you just have to wait untill it is dry!

  5. i made these yesterday. SO easy! i bought neon food coloring and they look So CUte!
    Thanks Chantelle
